Why are Bananas Considered a Nutritional Powerhouse?

Bananas are a tasty and convenient snack. Many nutritional experts consider them to be a nutritional powerhouse.

Bananas are also very versatile, as they can be eaten plain or added to your favorite dish. Why are bananas so healthy? How can you add more bananas to your diet?

Read on to learn all about the nutritional powerhouse that is bananas. 

Related: Banana Bread Coffee Cake 


Why are Bananas Healthy?


Bananas aren’t just one of the healthiest fruits you can eat - they’re also one of the healthiest foods you can eat. A single, medium banana contains 110 calories, 28 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, and 450 mg of potassium.

Here are some of the top health benefits of bananas:


Manage Your Blood Pressure 


One of the most significant benefits of bananas is that they can help you manage your blood pressure. According to the CDC, nearly half of American adults live with high blood pressure.

One of the top ways to get your blood pressure in check is to lower your intake of sodium/salt and increase your intake of potassium. As we mentioned, bananas are a rich source of potassium, containing 450 grams per serving.

Despite how important potassium is for our diet, very few people get enough of it. A healthy adult should try to consume around 3500-4700 grams of potassium per day. While a single banana won’t allow you to meet your potassium needs for the day, it’ll help you reach your potassium goals for the day


Moderate Your Blood Sugar Levels 


Another major benefit of bananas is that they can help you manage your blood sugar levels.

Bananas are rich in both pectin and resistant starch, which can help moderate blood sugar levels and reduce your appetite by slowing down the emptying of your stomach. Bananas also have a low glycemic index rank that falls somewhere between 30 to 60 depending on the ripeness of the banana.

The glycemic index measures how quickly the foods you consume increase your blood sugar levels. The lower the number, the slower your blood sugar levels increase. Foods that are high on the glycemic index scale include white bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, potatoes, rice milk, and watermelon.

If you’re on the hunt for a sweet treat that won’t cause your blood sugar levels to soar, bananas are a great option

Related: Crackly Banana Bread Mix 


Support Heart Health 


Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, with one in every four Americans dying of it each year.

Exercising is one of the best ways to improve your heart health along with following a healthy diet. If you’re looking for more heart-friendly foods to add to your diet, bananas are a great option.

Bananas contain two very important nutrients for heart health: potassium and magnesium. One study found that a potassium-rich diet could lower the risk of heart disease by as much as 27%.

Magnesium helps the body maintain a healthy heartbeat. Just one banana contains 32 mg of magnesium. 


Improve Digestion 


Over 60 percent of Americans live with gastrointestinal issues. Certain foods, such as bananas, contain high amounts of dietary fiber that can help you improve your digestion.

As we mentioned earlier, a medium-sized banana contains 3 grams of dietary. The average American needs about 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day, so eating a banana will get you well on your way.

Increasing your fiber intake can also help you maintain a healthy weight, lower cholesterol levels, and maintain healthy bowel movements. 


Improve Kidney Health


Another major benefit of bananas is that they can help improve the function of your kidneys.

The potassium in bananas is essential for maintaining the health of your kidneys. One thirteen-year study tracked a group of women who ate bananas two to three times per week. At the end of the study, they found that the women had a 33% lower chance of developing kidney disease. 


Aid in Exercise Recovery 


You’ve probably heard that a banana is the perfect snack to eat before or after a workout because of its carbohydrate and mineral content.

Eating a banana may help reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and cramps. The reason we develop cramps after working out is relatively unknown, but scientists believe it’s a combination of electrolyte imbalance and dehydration.

While there’s mixed research as to whether or not bananas directly heal muscle soreness, at the very least, their nutritional content makes them a great snack for athletes

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How to Incorporate More Bananas in Your Diet 


Banana Bread

As you can see, bananas are nutritional powerhouses. But how can you incorporate more bananas into your diet? If you don’t always enjoy eating bananas plain, here are some ideas:

  • Cut up a banana and sprinkle it on your cereal, yogurt, or oatmeal 
  • Make banana bread
  • Make banana chips
  • Make banana muffins, donuts, or cakes
  • Freeze bananas and turn them into a healthy soft-serve treat
  • Add bananas to a smoothie with strawberries or peanut butter
  • Whip up a healthy instant pudding using banana, avocado, and peanut butter
  • Top your pancakes or waffles with banana 

There’s also a variety of bananas you can try to mix things up. The bananas you typically buy at the store are called Cavendish bananas. Other varieties to choose from include:

  • Lady’s finger
  • Pisang raja
  • Red bananas
  • Apple bananas
  • Latundan bananas

Related: GoNanas Pumpkin Spice Banana Bread Mix 


Time to Eat More Bananas


Now that you know about the benefits of bananas and how to incorporate them into your diet, it’s time to start eating more of them! Pretty soon, you’ll be reaping all of the benefits bananas has to offer. 

Are you looking for the perfect banana bread mix for your bananas? Check out our selection!